There are three choirs involved within the BACHS organization.
Treble Choir:
Treble Choir is designed to introduce each student to the concept of singing together and the “joy” of music as a whole. Treble is made up of students ages 8 – 12 and functions as the introduction to BACHS for any student. Students in Treble choir usually sing 2 -part music of consisting patriotic, sacred and folk music.
Cantate Choir:
The Cantate Choir consist of all students ages 13 and above. The focus of Cantate includes intonation, sight reading and breathing exercises to help the student become a ‘better’ singer. Cantate focuses on Appalachian, folk, sacred, secular and American music usually arranged in 3 part format. Our intent in Cantate is to help the student grow in all aspects of his/her musicality.
Concert Choir:
Any student who is currently involved in private music lessons, and able to read music should consider BACHS Concert Choir. Students are auditioned to participate in Concert, and exceptions are made for those students who show excellence in music aptitude. There are no age limitations to participate in Concert Choir, however, the director reserves the right to limit participation in order to maintain the desired balance of sound and tone quality. Music performed by the Concert Choir usually consist of advanced high school and college-level repertoire.