The Angela Lusk Memorial Fund
The BACHS program strives to keep the price affordable for all families while providing quality art and enrichment classes to area homeschoolers. Outside of the directors and accompanist, all efforts to maintain the program are completed by volunteers.
The BACHS board understands that there are times of hardship for some member families. Because of this, the board offers the opportunity for families to request and receive a scholarship. Requesting a scholarship comes with a few requirements that families must acknowledge before funding distribution.
- A scholarship is granted based on a family’s needs. While giving the same consideration to each family, scholarships are not guaranteed but are based on funding availability.
- A scholarship needs to be requested each semester and is not automatic.
- Families are required to pay the annual “family registration” fee.
- Scholarship amounts awarded may be for the entire tuition or a portion of the tuition for the semester.
- Scholarship “dollars” may be divided among all children in a family.
- Families receiving scholarships would be asked to assist BACHS at rehearsals and concerts by ushering and/or setting up or at other BACHS events like cookie social.
When a family requests a scholarship, they will provide basic information about the need and the amount they are asking to receive to the Executive Director or Board President. These details will be discussed with board member(s) as well as the child’s choir director if the board needs additional input to determine if it is approved and the amount approved. Family names will remain anonymous to the best possible extent.
Last Reviewed: June 2, 2022