Our Posts

BACHS students will be holding our fall fundraiser on Nov. 30 - Dec.4.  We will be selling Double Good Gourmet
ALL choirs will meet this week as per regular schedule. Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2023 Treble Choir at 12:30 - 1:15
Choir will be meeting three (3) times this month for rehearsals at Grace Church as usual.  Treble Choir at 12:30
Next choir rehearsal will be Wednesday, Sept. 27. Grace Church (1311 W. Hovey Ave. Normal) Treble Choir  - 12:30 pm
Choir for 2023-24 school year will start next week!  We hope you will join us for another fun year of
We are inviting all new and returning parents / students to attend Orientation to have questions answered for the coming
Auditions and Voice Placements for the coming school year have been scheduled.  Mr. Miller and his audition team will listen
black and white candybar phone
Begins on May 26th 2023 @ 7 PM CT
BACHS 25th Anniversary T-shirts are available for order until May 9th and will be delivered and distributed at the Spring
glass window frame
TO ALL MEMBERS AND ALUMNI - PLEASE READWe are sad to say that registration for the Alumni Concert over the