We are sad to say that registration for the Alumni Concert over the Memorial weekend is very low. Because of the lack of overall interest, the Board of Directors for BACHS has decided to reimagine what the weekend looks like.
Thus, previously scheduled alumni activities will not happen as they were originally defined.
All activities for the 25th Anniversary will occur during the Spring Concert only. We encourage all alumni that are in town that weekend to attend.
Here is the new plan for the 25th celebration:

- Choir Concert – current choir members
- Order a 25th Anniversary t-shirt ORDER NOW and pick it up FREE at the Spring Concert.
- You MUST ORDER BY MAY 9th to get your shirt at the concert.
- Alumni are invited to sing the last song with a potential small ensemble if we have enough alumni members who would like to participate.
- Alumni – what choir has meant to my growth. We are asking alumni to share their short stories during the concert. (You can submit a video for online posting, contact Michael Roche or Don Lusk for more details)
- Cookie Social and Anniversary Cake
Alumni Options:
- Receive a FULL refund for your registration
- Trade your registration for a t-shirt for PICK-UP at the Spring Concert.
- Donate your registration fee to BACHS to support the Angila Lusk Memorial.