BACHS 25th Anniversary T-shirts are available for order until May 9th and will be delivered and distributed at the Spring Concert (if you select the FREE shipping). You can order and send them to your house for a small coat.
Every year that passes, we know that arts programs are being removed from our school-age kids. The value added for homeschooled families is we have the desire to foster the love of music. BACHS Choir has been that answer in the Bloomington / Normal area for 25 years.
Dues to the limited availability of alumni to have a choir in May 2023, we had to cancel the alumni sing. But we still want to give all choir members, past and present, the opportunity to get the swag and support the future mission of the choir.
All funds raised will be paid directly to BACHS Choir (NFP) for Angela Lusk Memorial Music and Arts Programming.
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